Smell is the very first body theater that I have integrated with systematic concepts. I draw inspiration from life, the movements, gestures and even the minutest details in life. On the strength of both audio and visual effects, I want to highlight the sense of smell. Attracted by the smell, we begin to look around and gather together. Driven by the desire, sometimes, we pick fights with each other. Domination indicates power and prestige, indeed a mighty authority and the situation changes upon the shift of the authority. In the theater, the female plays a possessing role, while the male is deprived. A smell, a smell with feminism is evident. No doubt, this is only an attempt, a kind of small dot connecting to this boy body theater work which makes it possible for me to reflect on the issues of “body” and “theater”. I’m convinced that our body is the most powerful tool for expression. It has been labeled with strong political sensitivity that carries the substance of life and serves as a kind of signal and testimony. Explorations into new art forms has made theater more enchanting and avant garde.